Webmail - common problems
Saved address books and contacts are no longer suggested or cannot be found
Folders and groupings of mails can no longer be viewed
Folders cannot be subscribed to, even if there is permission for viewing them
The maximum file size for uploads is currently limited to 2MB
When I go to webmail.ovgu.com/roundcube/ or webmail.ovgu.com/preview/, I get the error message "Forbidden"
I have set a bookmark to webmail (e.g. https://webmail(er).ovgu|uni-magdeburg.de/login|logout.php), but get an error message that the page has not been found (404)
Rules for Filter
Unfortunately, saved contacts and mail addresses cannot be imported from webmail to another mail client.
In virtual directories mails can be grouped or are marked as read / unread. If the directories are virtual, they are linked to the webmailer and cannot be accessed by other mail clients. The mails should be retrievable in general, but their grouping will be lost on any new mail client.
If you use the email client 'Thunderbird', the own mailbox can be subscribed to show missing folders. In the following dialog all desired folders can then be selected.
The error is already known. A solution is already being worked on.
An increase in the value is currently still being tested.
We activate the application in stages. If you get this error message, the application is not yet enabled for your area. Please try again later.
Please delete the existing bookmark. Open webmailand set a new bookmark or overwrite the old one.